Tutorial 9: Very Simple Model (FMC) with Requirements

In Tutorial 6: Very Simple Model (FMC), we have discussed the basics to represent a system-model in SpecIF. Now we will relate some requirements to the model-elements.

As we have discussed all concepts before, let’s right away discuss the full example. The following items have been added:

  • A dataType “DT-Priority” with enumerated values. Note that vocabulary terms have been used.
  • A propertyClass “PC-Priority” using the dataType “DT-Priority”.
  • Two additional resourceClasses “RC-Folder” and “RC-Requirement”. The instances of the former are used as chapter titles in the hierarchy and the instances of the latter are the requirements, of course.
  • A statementClass “SC-satisfies” for satisfies-relations between instances, where any instance of “RC-Actor” or “RC-State” can serve as subject and any instance of “RC-Requirement” can serve as object.
  • Three requirements have been added as resources of class “RC-Requirement”.
  • Three new statements of class “SC-satisfies”. The example shows that a model-element can satisfy multiple requirements, but generally it is also possible that a requirement must be satisfied by several model-elements. Each of the n:m relations are a separate statement.
  • Finally the hierarchy defines two chapters with requirements and the system-model; where the model-elements shown in the diagram are placed in a subordinated folder. In other cases, a glossary as a separate chapter lists the model-elements appearing on any of the model-diagrams.
    "id": "ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC",
    "title": "Very Simple Model (FMC) with Requirements",
    "$schema": "https://specif.de/v1.0/schema.json",
    "rights": {
      "title": "Creative Commons 4.0 CC BY-SA",
      "type": "dcterms:rights",
      "url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"
    "createdAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00",
    "dataTypes": [{
      "id": "DT-ShortString",
      "title": "String[96]",
      "description": "String with max. length 96.",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "maxLength": 96,
      "changedAt": "2016-05-26T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "DT-Text",
      "title": "Plain or formatted Text",
      "description": "A text string, plain, or formatted with XHTML or markdown",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-14T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "DT-Priority",
      "title": "SpecIF:Priority",
      "description": "Enumerated values for priority",
      "type": "xs:enumeration",
      "values": [{
        "id": "V-Prio-0",
        "value": "SpecIF:priorityHigh"
        "id": "V-Prio-1",
        "value": "SpecIF:priorityRatherHigh"
        "id": "V-Prio-2",
        "value": "SpecIF:priorityMedium"
        "id": "V-Prio-3",
        "value": "SpecIF:priorityRatherLow"
        "id": "V-Prio-4",
        "value": "SpecIF:priorityLow"
      "multiple": false,
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    "propertyClasses": [{
      "id": "PC-Name",
      "title": "dcterms:title",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Description",
      "title": "dcterms:description",
      "description": "An account of the resource (source: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/). Descriptive text represented in plain or rich text using XHTML or Markdown. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML <div> element (source: http://open-services.net/).",
      "dataType": "DT-Text",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-23T08:59:00+02:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Diagram",
      "title": "SpecIF:Diagram",
      "dataType": "DT-FormattedText",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Type",
      "title": "dcterms:type",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
      "id": "PC-Priority",
      "title": "SpecIF:Priority",
      "description": "The 'Priority' of the resource.",
      "dataType": "DT-Priority",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "resourceClasses": [{
      "id": "RC-Folder",
      "title": "SpecIF:Heading",
      "description": "Folder with title and text for chapters or descriptive paragraphs.",
      "isHeading": true,
      "instantiation": ["auto","user"],
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description"],
      "changedAt": "2016-05-26T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "RC-View",
      "title": "SpecIF:View",
      "description": "A 'View' is a graphical model view with a specific communication purpose, e.g. a business process or system composition.",
      "instantiation": ["user"],
      "icon": "▣",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Diagram","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Actor",
      "title": "FMC:Actor",
      "description": "An 'Actor' is a fundamental model element type representing an active entity, be it an activity, a process step, a function, a system component or a role.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "■",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-State",
      "title": "FMC:State",
      "description": "A 'State' is a fundamental model element type representing a passive entity, be it a value, a document, an information storage or even a physical shape.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "●",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Event",
      "title": "FMC:Event",
      "description": "An 'Event' is a fundamental model element type representing a time reference, a change in condition/value or more generally a synchronisation primitive.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "♦",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Requirement",
      "title": "IREB:Requirement",
      "description": "A 'Requirement' is a singular documented physical and functional need that a particular design, product or process must be able to perform.",
      "icon": "↯",
      "propertyClasses": [ "PC-Name", "PC-Description", "PC-Priority" ],
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "statementClasses": [{
      "id": "SC-shows",
      "title": "SpecIF:shows",
      "description": "'View' shows 'Model-Element'",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-View"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-Actor", "RC-State", "RC-Event"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-writes",
      "title": "SpecIF:writes",
      "description": "'Actor' (Role, Function) writes 'State' (Information)",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-reads",
      "title": "SpecIF:reads",
      "description": "'Actor' (Role, Function) reads 'State' (Information)",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
      "id": "SC-satisfies",
      "title": "oslc_rm:satisfies",
      "description": "Statement: Model-Element satisfies Requirement",
      "instantiation": ["user"],
      "subjectClasses": [ "RC-Actor", "RC-State" ],
      "objectClasses": [ "RC-Requirement" ],
      "changedAt": "2016-05-26T08:59:00+02:00"
    "resources": [{
      "id": "Folder-Requirements",
      "title": "Requirements",
      "class": "RC-Folder",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "Requirements"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Folder-SystemModel",
      "title": "System Model",
      "class": "RC-Folder",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "System Model"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "title": "IT-Integration: FiCo-Application and FiCo-Data",
      "class": "RC-View",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "IT-Integration: FiCo-Application and FiCo-Data"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div></div>"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Diagram",
        "value": "<div><p class=\"inline-label\">Model Diagram:</p><p><object type=\"image/png\" data=\"files_and_images/Very-Simple-Model-FMC.png\">Notation: FMC Block Diagram</object></p></div>"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Type",
        "value": "FMC Block Diagram"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "title": "FiCo-Application",
      "class": "RC-Actor",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "FiCo-Application"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>IT-Application for Finance and Controlling.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:04:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "title": "FiCo-Data",
      "class": "RC-State",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "FiCo-Data"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>Finance and Controlling Data, such as cost-units per project with budget, accrued cost etc.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:03:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Req-0Z7916e2872e78ecadc50feddc00918a",
      "title": "Consistency",
      "class": "RC-Requirement",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "Consistency"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>The data store MUST be consistent at all times.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Req-1a8016e2872e78ecadc50feddc00029b",
      "title": "Data Volume",
      "class": "RC-Requirement",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "Data Volume"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>The data store MUST support a total volume up to 850 GB.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Req-2b9016e2872e78ecadc50feddc0013Ac",
      "title": "Response Time",
      "class": "RC-Requirement",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "Response Time"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>The system SHOULD respond on user queries within 300 ms.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    "statements": [{
      "id": "Sshw-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "description": "'FMC Block Diagram' shows 'FiCo-Application'",
      "class": "SC-shows",
      "subject": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "object": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Sshw-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "description": "'FMC Block Diagram' shows 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-shows",
      "subject": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Swri-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "description": "'FiCo-Application' writes 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-writes",
      "subject": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Srea-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "description": "'FiCo-Application' reads 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-reads",
      "subject": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Ssat-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc-1a8016e2872e78ecadc50feddc00029b",
      "description": "'FiCo-Data' satisfies 'Data Volume'",
      "class": "SC-satisfies",
      "subject": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "object": "Req-1a8016e2872e78ecadc50feddc00029b",
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Ssat-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc-0Z7916e2872e78ecadc50feddc00918a",
      "description": "'FiCo-Data' satisfies 'Consistency'",
      "class": "SC-satisfies",
      "subject": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "object": "Req-0Z7916e2872e78ecadc50feddc00918a",
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "Ssat-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a-2b9016e2872e78ecadc50feddc0013Ac",
      "description": "'FiCo-Application' satisfies 'Response Time'",
      "class": "SC-satisfies",
      "subject": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "object": "Req-2b9016e2872e78ecadc50feddc0013Ac",
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    "hierarchies": [{
      "id": "N-Folder-Requirements",
      "resource": "Folder-Requirements",
      "nodes": [{
        "id": "N-1a8016e2872e78ecadc50feddc00029b",
        "resource": "Req-1a8016e2872e78ecadc50feddc00029b",
        "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
      }, {
        "id": "N-0Z7916e2872e78ecadc50feddc00918a",
        "resource": "Req-0Z7916e2872e78ecadc50feddc00918a",
        "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
      }, {
        "id": "N-2b9016e2872e78ecadc50feddc0013Ac",
        "resource": "Req-2b9016e2872e78ecadc50feddc0013Ac",
        "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "N-Folder-SystemModel",
      "resource": "Folder-SystemModel",
      "nodes": [{
        "id": "N-Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
        "resource": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
        "nodes": [{
          "id": "N-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
          "resource": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
          "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
        }, {
          "id": "N-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
          "resource": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
          "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
        "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
      "changedAt": "2020-10-17T10:00:00+01:00"
    "files": []

Finally, let’s inspect the relations of model-element “FiCo-Application” in a graphical view. In addition to the “shows”, “reads” and “writes” relations already presented in Tutorial 6, we see the additional “satisfies” relation with it’s requirement named “Response Time”. In practice, there will of course be many more related requirements. It is however obvious that requirements related to the affected model-elements are much easier to analyse when compared to a situation with a requirements list and a model side-by-side in different tools.

Very Simple Model with Requirements - Relations

You may view the example using the SpecIF Viewer, or download the SpecIF data: