SpecIF Domain Classes

Domain classes are generated from the SpecIF Ontology. Here, the classes of release 1.1 are listed.

Domain 01: Base Definitions

Data types of domain 01: Base Definitions

BooleanDT-Boolean1.1xs:booleanThe Boolean data type.
ByteDT-Byte1.1xs:integerA byte is an integer value between 0 and 255.
IntegerDT-Integer1.1xs:integerA numerical integer value from -32768 to 32767.
RealDT-Real1.1xs:doubleA floating point number (double).
Real with 2 DecimalsDT-Decimal21.1xs:doubleA floating point number (double) with two fraction digits.
Date or TimestampDT-DateTime1.1xs:dateTimeDate or timestamp in ISO-format
String[256]DT-ShortString1.1xs:stringString with max. length 256
Plain or formatted TextDT-Text1.1xs:stringAn account of the resource (source: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/). Descriptive text represented in plain or rich text using XHTML. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML <div> element (source: http://open-services.net/).
URLDT-URL1.1xs:stringA uniform resource locator.
E-mailDT-EmailAddress1.1xs:stringData type to represent an e-mail address.

Enumerated values for status

  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusDeprecated [V-Status-0]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusRejected [V-Status-1]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusInitial [V-Status-2]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusDrafted [V-Status-3]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusSubmitted [V-Status-4]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusApproved [V-Status-5]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusReady [V-Status-8]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusDone [V-Status-6]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusValidated [V-Status-9]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusReleased [V-Status-7]
  • SpecIF:LifecycleStatusWithdrawn [V-Status-10]

Enumerated values for priority

  • SpecIF:priorityHigh [V-Prio-0]
  • SpecIF:priorityRatherHigh [V-Prio-1]
  • SpecIF:priorityMedium [V-Prio-2]
  • SpecIF:priorityRatherLow [V-Prio-3]
  • SpecIF:priorityLow [V-Prio-4]

Enumerated values for engineering discipline

  • SpecIF:DisciplineSystem [V-discipline-4]
  • SpecIF:DisciplineMechanics [V-discipline-0]
  • SpecIF:DisciplineElectronics [V-discipline-1]
  • SpecIF:DisciplineSoftware [V-discipline-2]
  • SpecIF:DisciplineSafety [V-discipline-3]

Property classes of domain 01: Base Definitions


A unique reference to the resource within a given context. (source: DCMI)

An identifier for a resource. This identifier may be unique with a scope that is defined by the RM provider. Assigned by the service provider when a resource is created. Not intended for end-user display. (source: OSLC)


A name given to the resource. (source: DCMI)

Title (reference: Dublin Core) of the resource represented as rich text in XHTML content. SHOULD include only content that is valid inside an XHTML <span> element. (source: OSLC)

dcterms:descriptionPC-Description1.1Plain or formatted Text

An account of the resource. (source: DCMI)

Descriptive text (reference: Dublin Core) about resource represented as rich text in XHTML content. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML <div> element. (source: OSLC)

SpecIF:OriginPC-Origin1.1String[256]The origin (source, reference) of an information or requirement.
SpecIF:DiagramPC-Diagram1.1Plain or formatted TextA partial graphical representation (diagram) of a model.
SpecIF:NotationPC-Notation1.1String[256]The notation used by a model diagram, e.g. 'BPMN:2.0', 'OMG:SysML:1.3:Activity Diagram' or 'FMC:Block Diagram'.
SpecIF:LifeCycleStatusPC-LifeCycleStatus1.1SpecIF:LifeCycleStatusThe 'status', e.g. lifecycle state, of the resource.
SpecIF:PriorityPC-Priority1.1SpecIF:PriorityThe 'priority' of the resource.
SpecIF:DisciplinePC-Discipline1.1SpecIF:DisciplineThe engineering discipline (system, electronics, mechanics, software, safety).
SpecIF:ResponsiblePC-Responsible1.1String[256]The 'person' being responsible for the resource.
SpecIF:DueDatePC-DueDate1.1Date or TimestampA 'due date' for the resource.
UML:StereotypePC-Stereotype1.1String[256]A stereotype gives an element an additional/different meaning.
SpecIF:AbbreviationPC-Abbreviation1.1String[256]An abbreviation for the resource or statement.
dcterms:typePC-Type1.1String[256]The element type resp. the metamodel element (e.g. OMG:UML:2.5.1:Class)
SpecIF:AliasPC-Alias1.1String[256]An alias name for the resource.
rdf:valuePC-Value1.1Plain or formatted TextA value of different meaning, depending on the element type (attribute default value, a taggedValue value etc.).

Resource classes of domain 01: Base Definitions


Folders with title and text for chapters or descriptive paragraphs.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]


Information with text for descriptive paragraphs.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]


Root node of a hierarchically organized specification (outline).

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]


Comment referring to a model element ('resource' or 'statement' in general).

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]

Statement classes of domain 01: Base Definitions


States that the relation subject is an instance of the relation object.


A resource 'refers to' any other resource.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]

Domain 02: Requirements Engineering

Data types of domain 02: Requirements Engineering


Enumerated values for the requirement type according to IREB.

  • IREB:FunctionalRequirement [V-RequirementType-0]
  • IREB:QualityRequirement [V-RequirementType-1]
  • IREB:Constraint [V-RequirementType-2]

Enumerated values for the perspective (of a requirement)

  • IREB:PerspectiveBusiness [V-perspective-0]
  • IREB:PerspectiveStakeholder [V-perspective-3]
  • IREB:PerspectiveUser [V-perspective-1]
  • IREB:PerspectiveOperator [V-perspective-4]
  • IREB:PerspectiveSystem [V-perspective-2]

Property classes of domain 02: Requirements Engineering

IREB:RequirementTypePC-RequirementType1.1IREB:RequirementTypeEnumerated value for the requirement type according to IREB.
SpecIF:PerspectivePC-Perspective1.1PerspectiveEnumerated values for the perspective (of a requirement).

Resource classes of domain 02: Requirements Engineering


A 'requirement' is a singular documented physical and functional need that a particular design, product or process must be able to perform.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:identifier [PC-VisibleId 1.1]
  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • IREB:RequirementType [PC-RequirementType 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Priority [PC-Priority 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Perspective [PC-Perspective 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Discipline [PC-Discipline 1.1]


A 'feature' is an intentional distinguishing characteristic of a system, often a unique selling proposition.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:identifier [PC-VisibleId 1.1]
  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Priority [PC-Priority 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Perspective [PC-Perspective 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Discipline [PC-Discipline 1.1]

Statement classes of domain 02: Requirements Engineering


Statement: Requirement/feature depends on requirement/feature.


The subject requirement duplicates the object requirement.


The subject requirement contradicts the object requirement.


The subject requirement refines the object requirement.

Domain 03: Model Integration

Data types of domain 03: Model Integration


Enumerated values for visibility.

  • UML:Public [V-VisibilityKind-0]
  • UML:Private [V-VisibilityKind-1]
  • UML:Protected [V-VisibilityKind-2]
  • UML:Package [V-VisibilityKind-3]
  • UML:Internal [V-VisibilityKind-4]
  • UML:ProtectedInternal [V-VisibilityKind-5]

Property classes of domain 03: Model Integration

SpecIF:VisibilityPC-Visibility1.1SpecIF:VisibilityKindThe visibility of a resource (e.g. public, private, protected,...) as known from object orientation.
SpecIF:ImplementationLanguagePC-ImplementationLanguage1.1String[256]The name of an used implementation language (e.g. C, C++, C#, Java, ADA, OCL, ALF etc.).

Resource classes of domain 03: Model Integration


A 'package' is used to bring structure into a model. Packages can contain further packages and/or (model-)elements. It corresponds to a package in UML/SysML or a folder in a file system.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Visibility [PC-Visibility 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • UML:Stereotype [PC-Stereotype 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Alias [PC-Alias 1.1]


A 'view' is a graphical model view with a specific communication purpose, e.g. a business process or system composition.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Diagram [PC-Diagram 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Notation [PC-Notation 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]


An 'actor' is a fundamental model element type representing an active entity, be it an activity, a process step, a function, a system component or a role.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Visibility [PC-Visibility 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • UML:Stereotype [PC-Stereotype 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Alias [PC-Alias 1.1]


A 'state' is a fundamental model element type representing a passive entity, be it a value, a condition, an information storage or even a physical shape.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Visibility [PC-Visibility 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • UML:Stereotype [PC-Stereotype 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Alias [PC-Alias 1.1]


An 'event' is a fundamental model element type representing a time reference, a change in condition/value or more generally a synchronization primitive.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Visibility [PC-Visibility 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • UML:Stereotype [PC-Stereotype 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Alias [PC-Alias 1.1]


A 'collection' is a logic (often conceptual) group of resources linked with a SpecIF:contains statement. It corresponds to a 'group' in BPMN diagrams or a 'boundary' in UML diagrams.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • dcterms:description [PC-Description 1.1]
  • SpecIF:LifeCycleStatus [PC-LifeCycleStatus 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Visibility [PC-Visibility 1.1]
  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]
  • UML:Stereotype [PC-Stereotype 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]
  • SpecIF:Alias [PC-Alias 1.1]


Source code assigned to a model element (e.g. an activity or operation). Typically used for model-based code generation to provide some code snippets inside the model.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:title [PC-Name 1.1]
  • SpecIF:ImplementationLanguage [PC-ImplementationLanguage 1.1]
  • rdf:value [PC-Value 1.1]

Statement classes of domain 03: Model Integration


Statement: Plan resp. diagram shows model element.


Statement: Model element contains model element.


Statement: An actor serves an actor.


Statement: Actor (role, function) writes and reads state (information).


Statement: Actor (role, function) writes state (information).


Statement: Actor (role, function) reads state (information).


Statement: A state (information) influences a state (information).


An FMC:Actor 'precedes' an FMC:Actor or an FMC:Actor 'precedes' an FMC:Event or an FMC:Event 'precedes' an FMC:Actor. The rdf:type property specifies if it is a simple precedes, a SpecIF:signals or a SpecIF:triggers.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]


Statement: Model element satisfies requirement.


Statement: Model element is allocated to model element. The semantics are equal to allocation in SysML or deployment relation in UML.


A FMC:Actor or FMC:State 'implements' a SpecIF:Feature.


The subject is associated with the object.

Property classes:

  • dcterms:type [PC-Type 1.1]


A term is a specialization of another, such as 'Passenger Car' and 'Vehicle'.